About me
Name: ItsMias
Expertise: Moderation & Management
Who am I? Hi, I am ItsMias, I love playing minecraft, chess and many other games. I also
ram my keyboard from time to time in hopes of coding something cool! I have been moderating discord servers for over 4 years and minecraft servers for
about 3 years. On this website you can find out what my goals are, where I have worked before & whom has vouched for my work!
I have a few goals with my online presence:
Create Experiences:
My goal is to create amazing experiences for myself and other people, this can be both IRL or online, think about hosting minecraft events, theatre shows, watchparty's, Q&A's etc etc...
Create Communitues:
My goal with building communities is to build a safe place for myself and others to hang out and have fun.
Gain Expertise:
I already have a decent amount of experience in various fields (see resume page), however I am always looking forward to expand my expertise or to broaden my horizons. I am currently most interested in: staff-, community- & production management. If you have a posistion to offer with any of these titels, feel free to DM me!
HorizonMines - Owner
Horizon: Events - Mod
State - Event Mod
HorizonMines - Admin
Horizon: events - Mod
State - Event Mod
Horizon: events - Mod
Past Work:
6b6t - Admin
Mlum - Mod
Mlum - Recruiter*
SkyLodge - Manager
Steallodge - Manager
Prize Mc - community manager
Boxkill - mod
BoxMine2 - Admin
Randomkitz - mod
Resingens - Helper
Type: Minecraft & Discord
Category: Anarchy & Survival
Position: Administrator
6b6t is a minecraft anarchy server, I was invited by the owner to join 6b6t as an administrator on 23/06/2023 to help him manage the discord. I had never managed an anarchy server before but it was definitely quite the experiece, I learnt how to deal with serious (doxxing) threats as well as how to withstand trolling and insigation of a level that I had never seen before. My job consisted of creating & managing the staff team, hosting events, assisting in script writing and content creation along with reconfiguring the entire discord.
Some of my favorite memories are: "the ban purge", in which we unbanned all minor infraction users
"signoff", the announcement of my resignation
Type: Minecraft & Discord
Category: Skymining & Pvp
Discord: .gg/GmsQ9f8vMB
Position: Owner
Horizonmines is a skymining server which started development in late december 2022, myself and @caspie have worked on the server for roughly 9 months before releasing the server! Running, hosting, growing and managing a server is harder than expected but I am learning a ton of new things!
Type: Minecraft & Discord
Category: Events
Discord: .gg/state
Position: Event Moderator
State is a server focused on hosting large scale events for the youtuber Ish, I helped organize internal documenatation and key moments for the video. I was sadly not able to join the event in-game as it was hosted at midnight in my timezone
The event video is currently being edited and no other events are yet to be planned.
Type: Minecraft & Discord
Category: Gamemode & Prison escape
Discord: .gg/mlum
Position: Moderator & Recruiter*
Mlum is a one of a kind server, it is a server that has created an amazing gamemode around escaping a prison, rioting and doing quests, you can both play as a prisoner as wel was a guard. I have spend my fair share of time on the server and have absolutetly loved every second of it. I have had 2 staff positions in mlum, I first became a recruiter on the 10th of august in 2022, after around 5 months I also applied and became a moderator. I resigned 3 months later from both my moderator & recruiter position due to real life factors. I re-applied for the recruiter position on the 8th of august 2023 and resigned on the 26th of december 2023.
*recruiter is a role in the mlum server for a staff member that takes care of the guard recruitment and if guards follow the guard rules.
Horizon: Events
Type: Minecraft & Discord
Category: Events
Discord: .gg/88nDZUTtAs
Position: Moderator
The Horizon: Events is a discord & minecraft server related to the events of the youtuber The Horizon, as a moderator I help keep the community safe and ensure that hackers and rule breakers get removed as soon as possible from the event/discord.
Social Links
Feel free to dm me or follow me wherever you like!
You can email me @
On this page you will find a series of people who have vouched for my work!
Vouch 1
He is the itsmias of all time
~ Horizon
Vouch 2
ItsMias is very reliable and professional when he does his staffing work. I can depend on him without having to worry about if he will do the right things. In the few years I’ve worked with him now on minecraft related projects he’s always been a great help. His skills with discord are incredible making him useful in more than just minecraft. Additionally he has a great personality and is very friendly. It's always a good time when talking to him.
~ wallvis
Vouch 3
ItsMias is a very motivated and dedicated person with tons of experience, great intuition and fast decision making. He also knows where to put the barriers and he respects himself, that's why he's an amazing team member who can be also honest with you. He's the best Discord Admin I've had so far and he's done an excellent job, better than anything I could have ever done myself. The 'Discord Admin' (We use it as a term for someone who manages our Discord server) is actually just a name for the role because he does so much more than that, he can help you with YouTube videos, events, creation process and way more. I couldn't recommend him more but just don't steal him from me xD.
~ Qbasty